Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Lessons Learned from The Next Great Visionary Business contest

In my mere 42 yrs. I have entered many a contests.  Some contests I’ve entered for the prize and others for the fun.  I’ve even entered a few to help show my kids it’s okay to enter and not win.  One of the best contests I entered was the lip-sync contest where I met my hubby and that changed my life completely (I was the runner up, but in the end I got the GRAND prize- Kevin)!  The contest I am in now though has pulled me, stretched me and transformed me right out of my comfort zone and tossed me into the arena.  I am not one to complain about expanding out of my comfort zone as a general rule and this isn’t a complaint as much as an observation because I didn’t think I needed to be pushed into the deep end and told to swim...I was SOOOOOOO wrong!
1)      Creating my Manifesto has transformed my burning desire to a raging fire that will only be tamed by speaking my truth and following my path. Touching people, one person at a time to create a continuous ripple effect is now a necessity of my life not a “won’t that be nice” kinda thought.
2)      Moving into Round 2 had more of a profound effect on me than I thought it would.  I needed this shot in the arm…I needed the push…I needed the purpose far greater than myself to force me to get out of my own way.  I needed to be FORCED to let go of ALL the excuses that kept me from following my heart’s desire.  I needed to unbind myself from the threads that have imprisoned me.
3)      Moving from Round 1 to Round 2 made me take a hard look at my weaknesses and what really was the cause.  So, I’m not a tech guru…yes, I have a TON to learn about marketing myself – give me a project or a cause other than myself and I’m all over it, but me, uhhh NO way.  Hence part of my challenge…hmmm – time to expand…I am worth it…I’m pretty AWESOME!!
4)      During this process I had to work through “who I wasn’t here to help” – The Manifesto helped me realize that by not focusing on who I’m not here to serve the fear of rejection and ridicule dissipated.  That’s not to say I don’t think folks are gonna say mean things or hurt my feels but the reality is they aren’t going to say something I haven’t heard before.  The one thing living all over the world has taught me is I am not everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s okay.  Not everyone is ready to vibrate at this level!!!
5)      I don’t have to be PERFECT to get out there and teach my message. I don’t have to be PERFECT to connect to my tribe.  I only have to show that I am here, I am open and I am just like each one of them on this fantastic journey of life!

By releasing the emotions I have tied up all around me with regards to moving forward and being successful about something that totally moves me I can give myself permission to EXPAND into the person I am supposed to be. 

We are all here to have the human experience and we need to be that change we want to see in this world (Ghandi).  The Next Great Visionary Business contest has given me that platform.  It has gifted me the tools, teachings and pushed me into the possibilities of being MORE.  More than just the labels I live within…more than the person people turn to for help…more than the leader I have been groomed to be…

“Perfection is in the eye of the beholder” and being perfectly imperfect helping people excel, heal and be happy in their life is far better than waiting for that perfect moment to occur.  Doors open all the time it’s just a case of walking through the one that speaks the loudest to your souls purpose.

The Full Moon is coming on the September 19th and the Fall Equinox is Sunday September 22nd… both a great times to ask yourself what moves you? Where do I want to go this month? What do I want to see change or created in my life?  Then, ask or state what you want and work towards achieving that very thing. 

If you can take a few minutes and checkout my site page for my upcoming presentation and opt in (vote) by signing up and giving me your email address I’d truly be grateful!  I have already learned and grown so by with this contest and that makes me a winner already, but being the GRAND PRIZE winner and getting that catapult forward would be incredible!  It would also let me know that what I am doing is just as important to other as it is to me.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all your support and for letting me serve you and continue to grow with you on this marvelous journey! 


Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light,

