Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Moon from a Southern Perspective

Photo provided by my amazing friend Lindsey owner of LL's Photos
You may, or may not, know that every day I watch the moon.  I’ve always been a moon watcher but about 3-4 years ago I really started watching her cycle and connecting to the energy.  Since doing that my life has turned around in such a positive way and the more I learn about the moon’s energy and cycles the more at peace my mind, body and soul feels.  This past spring my daughter, Genevieve and I, were taught a wonderful Native American water blessing ceremony, Nibi Wabo, that is performed during the energy of the New Moon and it is very powerful for those who experience it.  Naturally, as I have traveled across the globe on our latest adventure staying connected to Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon has been important to me. 

The first thing I did when I got out of the airport here in Sydney was look in the sky to see if I could find Grandmother Moon…honestly, I was so out of it, 15 hours on a plane does that to a person, I don’t remember if I saw her but I do remember looking!!!  I did see the moon the next day clearly in the bright early afternoon sky which blew me away because the clarity was what I was used to seeing in the nighttime sky in the Northern Hemisphere.  It also appears to be larger…absolutely STUNNING!  As the weeks have gone by I have found the moon in the Australian sky every early afternoon except during the New Moon, dark of the moon, cycle.  It is amazing how crisp and clear it is, plus it seems to sit higher in the sky most of the day.  Now I’ve been trying to research information about the view of the moon here in the Southern Hemisphere to see if there was a so scientific explanation, I need to go to the Sydney Observatory to learn what I think I’m looking for so I can as folks the questions I want answers too.  What I have found was even more mind blowing for me because I had never thought of it and that is the moon phases are look backwards from one another… yet all three of my kids gave me the information like they were ordering milk shakes from their favorite ice cream place, it is AMAZING what kids know.


Phases of the moon as seen in the Northern Hemisphere


Phases of the moon as seen in the Southern Hemisphere

Now, there are going to be those out there who are not blown away by this at all, but it NEVER crossed my mind.  I was thinking about the toilets flushing in opposite way…not the moon.

The moon has been the center of many cultures for centuries.  There are tales, traditions and life cycles that flow with the phases of the moon.  An easy one that all women can identify with is our menstrual cycle, it flows within the 28 day cycle of the moon.  I find people’s emotions flow in a similar cycle to the moon as well which makes sense to me since we are comprised of 75-90% water depending on the amount of fluids you drink, and since the moon governs our tidal flow why not us, right…at least that is my thought.  Farmers use the moon to known when to plant, harvest, calf, bake bread, can and even cut their hair.  Have you ever read the Farmer’s Almanac? I love that book…
About two years ago I was introduced to a fantastic book that really has taught me to follow the flow of life, “A Simple Truth - Discover Your Unique Destiny and Find Your Place in the World Using the 20 Day Symbols of the Aztec Calendar” by Luis Rodriguez Cedillo and Chuck Hagen.  We did a book study over a course of several weeks and began to see the flow of life and how it changed, I also saw the correlation to the moon.  It was impressive for me, so much so that I hosted another book study with the book months later, and learned even MORE.  I hope to host another book study down here, especially once I learn more about the Aboriginal Australians.

I went off on another topic…Give yourself the joy of watching the moon and observing how you feel for the next couple of months.  See what kind of changes or emotions come up for you.  Don’t be surprised if you are suddenly moved to clear out stuff around the house or release hurts that no longer serve you.  You may even have so fantastic surprises come up, like an old friend reaching out, or the dream job you’ve always wanted appearing.  Perhaps the perfect partner will walk into your life.  When we watch the cycles of nature, we connect with nature…you don’t have to go camping or traipsing through the woods (Traci) to connect with nature.  Frequently all you need to do is look up!

Blessings my SPARKLY Friends!!!

Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light,
The moon peaking through a Norfolk pine during the afternoon off of Newport Beach, NSW

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