Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Lessons Learned from The Next Great Visionary Business contest

In my mere 42 yrs. I have entered many a contests.  Some contests I’ve entered for the prize and others for the fun.  I’ve even entered a few to help show my kids it’s okay to enter and not win.  One of the best contests I entered was the lip-sync contest where I met my hubby and that changed my life completely (I was the runner up, but in the end I got the GRAND prize- Kevin)!  The contest I am in now though has pulled me, stretched me and transformed me right out of my comfort zone and tossed me into the arena.  I am not one to complain about expanding out of my comfort zone as a general rule and this isn’t a complaint as much as an observation because I didn’t think I needed to be pushed into the deep end and told to swim...I was SOOOOOOO wrong!
1)      Creating my Manifesto has transformed my burning desire to a raging fire that will only be tamed by speaking my truth and following my path. Touching people, one person at a time to create a continuous ripple effect is now a necessity of my life not a “won’t that be nice” kinda thought.
2)      Moving into Round 2 had more of a profound effect on me than I thought it would.  I needed this shot in the arm…I needed the push…I needed the purpose far greater than myself to force me to get out of my own way.  I needed to be FORCED to let go of ALL the excuses that kept me from following my heart’s desire.  I needed to unbind myself from the threads that have imprisoned me.
3)      Moving from Round 1 to Round 2 made me take a hard look at my weaknesses and what really was the cause.  So, I’m not a tech guru…yes, I have a TON to learn about marketing myself – give me a project or a cause other than myself and I’m all over it, but me, uhhh NO way.  Hence part of my challenge…hmmm – time to expand…I am worth it…I’m pretty AWESOME!!
4)      During this process I had to work through “who I wasn’t here to help” – The Manifesto helped me realize that by not focusing on who I’m not here to serve the fear of rejection and ridicule dissipated.  That’s not to say I don’t think folks are gonna say mean things or hurt my feels but the reality is they aren’t going to say something I haven’t heard before.  The one thing living all over the world has taught me is I am not everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s okay.  Not everyone is ready to vibrate at this level!!!
5)      I don’t have to be PERFECT to get out there and teach my message. I don’t have to be PERFECT to connect to my tribe.  I only have to show that I am here, I am open and I am just like each one of them on this fantastic journey of life!

By releasing the emotions I have tied up all around me with regards to moving forward and being successful about something that totally moves me I can give myself permission to EXPAND into the person I am supposed to be. 

We are all here to have the human experience and we need to be that change we want to see in this world (Ghandi).  The Next Great Visionary Business contest has given me that platform.  It has gifted me the tools, teachings and pushed me into the possibilities of being MORE.  More than just the labels I live within…more than the person people turn to for help…more than the leader I have been groomed to be…

“Perfection is in the eye of the beholder” and being perfectly imperfect helping people excel, heal and be happy in their life is far better than waiting for that perfect moment to occur.  Doors open all the time it’s just a case of walking through the one that speaks the loudest to your souls purpose.

The Full Moon is coming on the September 19th and the Fall Equinox is Sunday September 22nd… both a great times to ask yourself what moves you? Where do I want to go this month? What do I want to see change or created in my life?  Then, ask or state what you want and work towards achieving that very thing. 

If you can take a few minutes and checkout my site page for my upcoming presentation and opt in (vote) by signing up and giving me your email address I’d truly be grateful!  I have already learned and grown so by with this contest and that makes me a winner already, but being the GRAND PRIZE winner and getting that catapult forward would be incredible!  It would also let me know that what I am doing is just as important to other as it is to me.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all your support and for letting me serve you and continue to grow with you on this marvelous journey! 


Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light,



Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Summer, Growth and STRETCHING out of my Box!

Beautiful picture supplied by Dana Colins, Defined by Lines
"Schools out for the summer..." Ha!  We all remember that song...well, those of us from the 1980's.  Many of us probably walked through the halls at our high school signing those words during those last few hours before the bell rang and we were RELEASED to the world...Oh the FREEDOM we felt...
This has not been a lazy summer for me at all.  No sir-re Bob! It has been a summer of getting uncomfortable and GROWING out of my box, not that my box was very small.  
I started my summer by starting my business right before school got out and I'm been going ever since.  The first week the kids were home I was taking enrolled in this FANTASTIC Wellness Business Owners World Summit webinar that just engrossed me with so much information and threw me forward into the deep end of the pool forcing me to swim!  It's funny how good it feels...almost like I am living on a constant high on life.  I am currently in a contest; Next Great Visionary Business and it is fantastic! Take a minute and check it out...read my Manifesto, if it moves you please vote, comment and share with your friends!  Voting lasts until August 31st, 2013.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!  Once again this is forcing me to reach out beyond my circle, the JeDai Circle, out into the community and the world.  Just stating my truth and thoughts back in May wasn't enough, but it was a start!

Through this I have learned that I do bring value to others and funny enough the knowledge I think is "common place" isn't and others really want to hear what I know! 

Ha!  Who knew...

I am still  working at developing, creating and learning how to run my dream, as well as better focus.  The HARDEST part for me has been changing the tape player that keeps running through my head...yeah, you know what I'm talking about...we all have the voice in our head that keeps trying to toss us off the path we need to walk.  That's their job...suppressing your true voice, keeping you from you propose.  Yep, yep... funny thing that is reprograming your tape player.  Another odd thing that I discovered about myself is I to stop being afraid for hearing "NO"...honestly can't tell you where that came from since I have no problem saying "No" - I teach people how to say "No" in their lives and I've heard it enough in my life you would think I would be immune to the word.  When I am actually being truthful with myself it's just as much about FAILING as it is about the tape player in my head.

It's time to accept and neutralize these words...not reject but let the words, thoughts and fears flow through.  All fear is False Evidence Appearing Real...I have know clue what the outcome will be and if I don't try how will I ever have the opportunity to grow?   

So, now is the time to tell me/yourself a GOOD story... "They are looking at me like they don't like me..." instead "Check them checking me out!  I am AWESOME!!!"  That doesn't work, try this on for size " It's not perfect..." change into this " This is INCREDIBLE and if I need to change it, I can..."  Remembering that the story we create in our head is frequently not the reality.

With all of this in mind I am moving forward and going to ROCK the contest I'm in, find my voice, develop my brand and create my tribe so that I can help people on a much bigger scale...I'm thinking global.  As I maneuver through this venture I keep each of you, my readers/followers, in mind because what I am becoming isn't just about me it's very much about YOU!

YOU do count!  YOU do have value and YOU have something to offer, my friend!  Share your love, share your gifts, share your talents because the world needs each of us! 

Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light,


Like Me on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/DimensionalHealingLlc  

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Developing, Creating and Launching Dimensional Healing, LLC

Hello Lovelies!

I have been living a whirlwind the past few weeks!  Not sure what exactly is happening but I am very grateful for all the creative and productive energy that keeps flowing my way!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

On June 11, 2013 I finally took the leap of faith I needed and registered my biz as ~
Dimensional Healing, LLC  

"What else is possible?"

I even pulled the trigger and applied for my EIN... "How can it get better than this?"

TODAY I launched my facebook page!

"What grand and glorious adventures will I have today?"

Reaching the magic number of 30 in less than 2 hours!! And I am fast approaching 50...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

So, just prior to all this coming together I started a wonderful webinar with "Sevenfold Path to Success" class and it has opened up so much.  You don't really realize that you are in your own way until you start to journey into yourself.  Andra is FABULOUS!  Her partner in this adventure Tamara is fab as well.  Highly recommend following these lovely ladies because they are gonna create magic!


As if all that wasn't enough I won a FANTASTIC scholarship to the first Wellness Business Owners World Summit!  It started on June 14th and I have learned SO MUCH!  I am not sure if you can still get into the summit or not but it is worth finding out and at least getting on the email list if you are a small wellness business.


What has really helped energize me is just realizing that until I do it I wasn't going to know what was possible.  Yes, I am afraid of failing, having people hurt my feelings and/or just messing up, but I am trying, because until I do I am not trying!  I am blessed enough to following the example and advice of others who have accomplished great things before me, and I am working at my pace.  Yes, there will be days and weeks like this one where the information is coming in so fast I need to slow down to process.  Then there are gonna be other times where things will have to place to the back burner to simmer, while life with a wonderfully supportive hubby and three active and smart children needs my attention.  Hopefully I'll have enough in place that my business will move as smoothly as symphonic performance.

While being a Navy wife, and Mom is very important par of who I am the reality of the kids growing and my roll changing is becoming apparent.  It is time to find the balance in the transition so I don't loose who I am in the process.

Much Love and Light!


P.S. Be on the look out for my website and the completion of an upcoming project!  Here's a hint...a few of you have requested something like this from me!!!

My facebook link! Drop by and Like me if you so choose!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spring Virginia Beach Gem & Mineral Show Treasure Trove!

Gena bought the this clam shell from the Mineral Association ~ it is considered a fossil! Banded Amethyst, Mookite Heart, Red Jasper, my new 'Grape Jelly' Amethyst Cluster and Seraphinite. 

It's no secret I LOVE crystals!  I have collected stones and crystals since I was a little girl.  It hasn't been until recently that I have a better understanding WHY I am drawn to Mother Earths sparkling treasures.  I'm not gonna get involved with that today but I am going to show you some of the STUNNING crystals I found.

Star Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a wonderful stone for self love!  I've been in search of a heart shaped Rose Quartz for a while.  This baby is full of sparkles and rainbows!  It's called a Star Rose Quartz because of it's sparkles.  Rainbows make me happy in the sky and in crystals!
Below is a baby that I've been looking for but had no clue I'd find at our local Gem & Mineral Show.  I've only been going to them for a year and had never seen the specimens that were present at this show.  I felt as though I was attending a mini Tucson, AZ show! 
Corinto Smoky Lemurian Quartz from Minas Gerais, Brazil!  It's a RECORD KEEPER and full of rainbows!!  Sadly, I haven't gotten a perfect picture of the record keepers yet but I will keep working on it.  The family I bought most of my treasures from are four generation strong rock hounds and own the mine that my babies came from...yes, I do mean more than one!

As promised, here is another baby!  May I introduced my Red Lemurian!  Yes, the pix are not completely focused but I feel it actually shows the markings a little better.  Again, I'll keep working on better pictures.  The coolest part about this crystal is it was mined on 12/12/12!  Woohoo!  Lemurian crystals sing to me and the two I got last week are no different.

Okay, so I thought I knew a lot about quartz but after this past show I realized I know so little...LOVE IT!   Have you ever heard of Lighting Struck Quartz?  Me neither...the energy that this bad boy emits is indescribable.  I am blown away by the energy...

Feel the ENERGY baby!

Look at that colors!!!
This little number was a real surprise. Gena, my daughter, and I spotted Agate slabs that I'd been looking for to use as coasters when this Ametrine with Cacoxenite jumped out and screamed "bring me home!" I've actually been sleeping with it in my pillowcase since bringing it home. It's a lovely energy that has had some useful benefit.

My water charging coaster!!!

I bought the Agate slabs for the soul purpose of charging water.  I can't wait to give it a try.  The first picture is a 4 inch slab about 1inch deep...really surprising price. 

This was a wonderful gem show for me!  I love being surrounded by the energy in the hall.  There are a couple of local shows left this year but I am going north for a larger one in August!  I added to my collection but I need to also find homes for some of my rocks and crystals...time to get back on ebay!  Check out local listings for Gem, Jewelry & Minerals shows in your area who knows what you'll find!

Ciao Bellas!

Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light,


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Emerge ~ Growth, Expand & Create

What does a gas can, mulch, the Green Man, and Morning Glory seeds have in common you may be wondering? 

EMERGENCE...Spring, opening up, growth, energize...Embrace who you are!

Last week I took a class online with my friends at Inner Alignment Mandalas.  It was only a week class that I can already feel becoming a lifetime of growth, change and all around goodness.  I really had no clue where this was going to take me, nor did I know what to expect from the process.  I've never made my own mandala.  WOW! It was an experience like no other... 

Maybe, I should start with what a mandala is or at least my understanding of what it is.  I found this explanation on the website below.  I thought it was well put but you decided.

The word "mandala" is from the classical Indian language of Sanskrit. Loosely translated to mean "circle," a mandala is far more than a simple shape. It represents wholeness, and can be seen as a model for the organizational structure of life itself--a cosmic diagram that reminds us of our relation to the infinite, the world that extends both beyond and within our bodies and minds.


Michelle and Jill had us really listen to what was inside as we worked through this process.  When I sat down to start drawing my mandala I must say my mind had a much different thought than what I put on paper.  When I first did the meditation that started the process I was feeling paint and lots of green with bursts of yellow and I kept seeing a little fairy bursting into spring.  There was a waterfall like flow of flower petals bursting into the universe.  During the meditation it was so beautiful, so when I sat to draw I was almost expecting the picture to look a little like my meditation...well, my intuition had a different idea! 

I think pictures are going to say so much more than words at this point...

Green Man and Morning Glory's became a very strong energy in my creation ~ Love it!
Writing my intention for this proved to be the most challenging...I need to work on mastering that skill.  I need to work on writing period! :)
My mandala is comprised of layers. If you look at the sides of the picture you can see I tore up several colors but again my intuition had a different idea as to what I was creating. 
My oldest son, Zachary, was very cute and walked over to see what I was doing.  He put his had over my project and told me that it was full of beautiful energy.  I felt a great deal of growth while putting this layer together.  I worked on this layer right after I planted the Morning Glory seeds. 

I wrote words when I first drew the mandala but this layer was full of purpose.  It is full of direction for me and all the things that make me warm and fuzzy inside!

The last layer, or so I thought, are pictures that represent Spring for me.  Again I was surprised as I flipped through magazines as to what POPPED out.  I had a pile of pictures that I ended up not using because as I was putting the pictures together with the mandala it just didn't speak to me.  What a process... 

I spent some time looking at the picture mandala thinking it was complete only to realize I needed SPARKLE!!!  I had bought little jewels and pulled out glitter but I wasn't sure if it would be too much.  After sleeping on it I realized "Nope!" and just went with what felt right.


My complete mandala is full of life, purpose, growth, energy and balance.  I was hoping for this lengthy meaningful message from my mandala but found it is full of words and numbers.  I'm still feeling new energies.  Yesterday as I was giving Reiki to my clients I observed it's growth energy.  I really enjoyed  the feeling since I was needing the extra push.

Overall working the Spring Emerge process with Jill and Michelle was a wonderful experience and I hope that they offer a class like this again!  Hint, hint, nudge, nudge, wink, wink!   

Check them out! http://www.inneralignmentmandalas.com/  If you sign up for their newsletter you get the stunning I AM Love mandala FREE!  Love it!

I wish you all the beauty and growth that Spring offers each of you! 

Much Love & Laughter!


"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, April 22, 2013

I'm back with a brand NEW OUTLOOK!


It has been a while my sweets since I have sat down to write ANYTHING let alone a blog entry…including Christmas cards…ahem, sorry!  As with all of us life has occurred, the holidays came and went with the New Year bringing in fantastic energies.  With all the excitement that has been happening in my life and family life I needed to focus on what was happening here.  Now the time has come for me to spread my wings and fly!  I need to take a leap of faith in myself and follow what has been flowing towards me since 2013 has begun.  Yes, I can be slow to act but eventually I get the clues I’m supposed to follow.

My last entries had me following a ‘7 Day Crystal Challenge’ put on by Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy.  It was very enlightening for me and opened my mind to several avenues that I hadn’t really explored before.  I was introduced to other people’s blogs who were in the challenge, which lead to reading different books, articles or magazines.  Right before Christmas the stars all aligned and my kids were healthy so I was able to complete my Advanced Reiki and Reiki Master class with my most fantastic Reiki Master Teacher, Ginger.  It wasn’t until the very end of January that the stars all aligned again for me to complete my Reiki Teacher portion of the certification but in that time I started opening myself up more and more.  I taught a “By the Numbers” class, which is my take on Numerology…really fun and neat way to look at number and letter vibrations.  It also gives you a good view on your Life Path, Lessons to Learn and Debts to pay back…etc.  Lots of FUN!  It’s not for everyone but I try to break it down enough so that each person has a ‘take away’.  I tripped over some fantastic free webinars and telecasts that I couldn’t pass up learning so much about myself that at times I felt, and still feel, like my heads going to explode.  OH…MY…GOSH…I’m not the only person on this great big beautiful blue plant who feels this way!

What really started to open me up was to the possibilities was watching this YouTube video that Hibiscus Moon had posted about “Living Your Legend” by founder Scott Dinsmore.  Some of my Facebook friends may remember me reposting this video because it really hit home.  It's about 20 mins. but well worth it.  I've watched it a number of times each time walking away with a little more.

Then I came across “The Global Vision Quest” by who is now Pure Inspiration, but once was Soul Art Studio, (thanks to my lovelies at Inner Alignment Mandalas ~ LOVE YOU Jill & Michelle!)… IF, the website for the Vision Quest is still running PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go because it is full of juicy goodness to help inspire ANYONE to greatness!  That is where I found all these dynamic souls sharing their success stories in a road map formula for EVERYONE to follow.  KA-POW!  They want their success to be our success…I know hard to believe in the “doubting Thomas world” that we have been drowning in!!

Stick with me folks…I’m almost there…REALLY I AM!!!

Funny as I’m starting to follow all this yummy tummy goodness of “Live Your Legend” and be the BEST possible YOU, again Hibiscus Moon posts a FABU blog with her original Business Wiz, Leonie Dawson.  So, I watched their video chat and jumped over to Leonie’s page.  I was thinking “WOW, fun stuff…this is gonna be similar to all this other information that I’ve been absorbing, right?”  Listen to me folks, NEVER, and I mean NEVER classify this woman in the same class as “everyone else” AND, By Golly Ms. Molly don’t judge a book by it’s cover.  Holy Guacamole Batman!  The passion and complete freedom of self was evident from the get go, with Leonie.  I must have spent hours pouring over old blogs free downloads and YouTube video’s from this high spirited, highly connected soul.  I started following her right away… FYI, she is very high energy and can be a little over the top for most folks, but her insight is simple, successful and stressless because she keeps it real and fun!

It STOPPED THERE!  OH, NO!!!  Why you ask?

I couldn’t get out of my on head…

Then, a wonderful soul sister… Andy, Of Divine Essence put together her new business and I have been watching it grow.  I met Andy on the ‘7 Day Crystal Challenge’ and started following her progress with great intent.  Now, I haven’t asked and confirmed but I think she and I have read some of the same stuff… “Great minds” and all that jazz, but really I was watching something magical happen in real time.  OM Golly!  She and a friend, Tamera put together this fantastic Chakra class that covered each Chakra in depth over the course of three days.  It was well done…not sure if you can still access it but if you can I highly recommend checking it out.  They have all sorts of yummy sparkly goodness!!   

Here it comes…   

As this was going on I was introduced to Access Consciousness running of the BARS ~ WOW!  Mind blowing…let me repeat that…MIND BLOWING!!  One of my new Circle members was looking for folks to practice on and asked if I’d be willing.  I said “Sure, I’m open to whatever the Universe brings my way!  Well, within reason…"  So, Michelle came over before a JeDai Circle meeting, (our Tribe, Clan, Peeps), and ran my BARS.  If someone ever offers this just say YES!  At worst you’ll feel like you had a great massage, at best it will change your life FOREVER!  For me it made all the “white noise” go AWAY!  I was left alone with my own thoughts in my head…no one else’s just mine.  Ahhhh!!! Then the information came POURING in…thoughts, ideas, plans, more thoughts, clearer ideas…you get the picture.  It ROCKED my WORLD!!

The BEST thing that came to me is that everything that keeps holding me back is…wait for it…
   It’s really good….
   I’m telling you it is awesome…
   It was and is ME!
Yep, I’m what holds me back…not being a Mom, a wife or a daughter but ME!  With this revelation it has dawned on me it’s time to let go of what I permitted to hold me down.  ME! 
From this post on, my friends you are going to take a walk down my Sparkly Journey as I create the BEST possible me!  I am going to be sharing all the yummy stuff I've been learning from the most devine beings, on the web and in my own back yard!  Ahhh...Yes, my beautiful Tribe members I'm going to going after you for tidbits to share with the world!  Monica...you, me and coffee chat, right? LOL! 
In the my upcoming posts I'm going to revisit Leonie's website and ALL her tools...follow and review them so you can have a "realtime" view of how it works.  
I'm also going to review and share my thoughts on ALL the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy goodies I have and use...AWESOME SPARKLY goodness there.
PLUS, I have other friends who have started blogs, websites and even brick and morter businesses who we will be checking in on and sharing my thoughts. 

How does it get any better than this?

This week I'm taking a wonderful class, Emerge with Inner Alignment Mandalas (http://www.inneralignmentmandalas.com/).  If I'm lucky I'll start a web class with SevenFold Path to Success on Thursday night, http://sevenfoldpathtosuccess.net/register/.  We shall see what the Universe has in store for me!

CRAZINESS!  Welcome to it!  If you hang around, thank you and let's PARTY!  If you don't, no worries, I wish you well on your path! 

Hugs, Love, much Laughter and Light,



Upcoming Reiki class will be posted soon!  I will be teaching them locally and traveling to MA and possibly CO to teach Reiki I & II PLUS Reiki for Kids and Teens!