Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Moon from a Southern Perspective

Photo provided by my amazing friend Lindsey owner of LL's Photos
You may, or may not, know that every day I watch the moon.  I’ve always been a moon watcher but about 3-4 years ago I really started watching her cycle and connecting to the energy.  Since doing that my life has turned around in such a positive way and the more I learn about the moon’s energy and cycles the more at peace my mind, body and soul feels.  This past spring my daughter, Genevieve and I, were taught a wonderful Native American water blessing ceremony, Nibi Wabo, that is performed during the energy of the New Moon and it is very powerful for those who experience it.  Naturally, as I have traveled across the globe on our latest adventure staying connected to Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon has been important to me. 

The first thing I did when I got out of the airport here in Sydney was look in the sky to see if I could find Grandmother Moon…honestly, I was so out of it, 15 hours on a plane does that to a person, I don’t remember if I saw her but I do remember looking!!!  I did see the moon the next day clearly in the bright early afternoon sky which blew me away because the clarity was what I was used to seeing in the nighttime sky in the Northern Hemisphere.  It also appears to be larger…absolutely STUNNING!  As the weeks have gone by I have found the moon in the Australian sky every early afternoon except during the New Moon, dark of the moon, cycle.  It is amazing how crisp and clear it is, plus it seems to sit higher in the sky most of the day.  Now I’ve been trying to research information about the view of the moon here in the Southern Hemisphere to see if there was a so scientific explanation, I need to go to the Sydney Observatory to learn what I think I’m looking for so I can as folks the questions I want answers too.  What I have found was even more mind blowing for me because I had never thought of it and that is the moon phases are look backwards from one another… yet all three of my kids gave me the information like they were ordering milk shakes from their favorite ice cream place, it is AMAZING what kids know.


Phases of the moon as seen in the Northern Hemisphere


Phases of the moon as seen in the Southern Hemisphere

Now, there are going to be those out there who are not blown away by this at all, but it NEVER crossed my mind.  I was thinking about the toilets flushing in opposite way…not the moon.

The moon has been the center of many cultures for centuries.  There are tales, traditions and life cycles that flow with the phases of the moon.  An easy one that all women can identify with is our menstrual cycle, it flows within the 28 day cycle of the moon.  I find people’s emotions flow in a similar cycle to the moon as well which makes sense to me since we are comprised of 75-90% water depending on the amount of fluids you drink, and since the moon governs our tidal flow why not us, right…at least that is my thought.  Farmers use the moon to known when to plant, harvest, calf, bake bread, can and even cut their hair.  Have you ever read the Farmer’s Almanac? I love that book…
About two years ago I was introduced to a fantastic book that really has taught me to follow the flow of life, “A Simple Truth - Discover Your Unique Destiny and Find Your Place in the World Using the 20 Day Symbols of the Aztec Calendar” by Luis Rodriguez Cedillo and Chuck Hagen.  We did a book study over a course of several weeks and began to see the flow of life and how it changed, I also saw the correlation to the moon.  It was impressive for me, so much so that I hosted another book study with the book months later, and learned even MORE.  I hope to host another book study down here, especially once I learn more about the Aboriginal Australians.

I went off on another topic…Give yourself the joy of watching the moon and observing how you feel for the next couple of months.  See what kind of changes or emotions come up for you.  Don’t be surprised if you are suddenly moved to clear out stuff around the house or release hurts that no longer serve you.  You may even have so fantastic surprises come up, like an old friend reaching out, or the dream job you’ve always wanted appearing.  Perhaps the perfect partner will walk into your life.  When we watch the cycles of nature, we connect with nature…you don’t have to go camping or traipsing through the woods (Traci) to connect with nature.  Frequently all you need to do is look up!

Blessings my SPARKLY Friends!!!

Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light,
The moon peaking through a Norfolk pine during the afternoon off of Newport Beach, NSW

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Moving, Moving, Moving...

Curl Curl Coast, Australia
~ Dimensional Healing, LLC
Wow! Moving across the world and turning south has been a list of lessons. Before I begin let me start by saying I HIGHLY recommend it, but it’s not moving down the street and not for the faint at heart.  You will be pushed, shoved, stretched and polished up for your new location whether or not you want to be or think it’s happening.  Still I wouldn’t change the experience – I LOVE living here in Australia, even though I’ve only been here for a month.  Yes, some refer to this as the ‘Honeymoon period’ but this is not my first overseas experience and I have not felt so much at home in another country since I lived in Scotland as a wee lass.  I’m not down playing my time in Japan or Italy in the least…loved living in those locations as well, but it was different. 

People move for different reason, some for adventure, a new job, the love of your life,  or even just to start fresh.  Our move was a military move. Let me answer the question before you ask - No, there is not a US Navy base here in Sydney, or Australia, we are on an exchange program, which adds another layer of fun altogether because we fall under State Department rules and that is interesting.

The biggest lessons I’ve learned in the past 5 months:

1)      PATIENCE – No surprise there…Moving is stressful no matter how organized you are, hope prepared you get or how much control you believe you have with the situation.  The Universe has a fantastic sense of humor and loves tossing monkey wrenches into the mix.


2)      'Too many cooks can spoil the soup'…aka You have minimal control – Unless you are the ONLY person moving and you are doing it in a bubble, other people add there spices into the pot.  Now, most people don’t have the government pulling strings about their move…try adding two governments and three time zones that cross the international dateline – yep, that is hoot…not so much, but you do learn to laugh a lot or you spend days crying, and laughter has far more power than tears.


3)      Venus and Mars phenomenon amplifies - Yep, that is right the old age battle of the sexes can feel like it is on steroids.  He says one thing, I hear another thing and basically it’s the same thing, just different words, tones, concerns or questions that turns the entire thing into a tug of war… mainly one ‘control the world’ Operations/Commanding Officer kinda attitude and I’m sure what he sees as a fleetly, flighty, sparkly, day dreaming Pollyanna who can’t make up her mind.  Yet, that really isn’t it, because it’s not the words that are being spoken that is the problem but more the entire vibe of the move that tosses the BEST relationship flow into the loo for a wash and dry spin…I guess it’s not very dry is it after being in the loo.  To clarify the toilets in Australia do not flush counter to those in the northern hemisphere….it’s more like a high pressure waterfall action.


4)      “The military moves you for FREE…it costs you nothing!” – HA!  I have heard this for DECADES…yes, I am that young! No, my beautiful friends we all pay one way or another.  On average I’d say a state to state move has cost us about $5000 - $8000.  Overseas moves are a totally different financial experience and since the last overseas move I did was 15 years ago, until last month, I can't put a price tag on it quiet yet.  Most people don’t wake up on Monday and say “Hey, I am going to move 10,000 miles away in 10 weeks!” No, most people are smart enough to plan over the course of time and some even have a plan that makes their move a little smoother.  In the military we even have workshops that you can attend that teach you a step by step plan and guide…most of them give a 6-9 month window of planning…I'll keep dreaming of those were the days.  Again, good humor gets you through this space because as you are fronting all the monies needed, waiting to be reimbursed you can drive yourself NUTS counting pennies.  It’s even funnier when you are in a foreign country because the money becomes more like ‘Monopoly’ money when you first arrive, the major difference is you don't pass GO and you DON'T COLLECT $200. 


5)      It’s not all about ME! (foot stomp!) – Now, the “ME” in that line covers each person individually because it is not all about just one person yet everyone wants or needs that sense of security.

      I see many of reading this saying to yourself “but Krista you said to move…to have this experience, yet all you do is bitch and complain.”  You can look at it that way or view my complaining as sharing a few key lessons from my grand adventure.  There are many more lessons within each lesson and I could spend DAYS, if not WEEKS sharing them, but we really don’t want that now do we.  What I have done to get through the tough moments is to create a positive mantra: “…but we are MOVING TO AUSTRALIA!” now that we are here “…we are living in AUSTRALIA, baby!” if it does nothing but lighten the frustration at the moment then it is worth its weight in gold.  I’ll be writing about putting out the right thoughts and vibe for what it is you want most so we all can live our dreams…

Bottom line, moving SUCKS weather you are moving down the road, across the state or to another part of the world you always feel like you are juggling 27 THOUSAND balls at once, with minimal control, a funnel out your bank account and words that just can’t seem to be heard, so lighten up and cut yourself some slack and your family.  Learn to take ‘Time Outs’ when you need them and for goodness sakes BREATHE!  As long as there is no blood gushing from gapping wounds and everyone is in good health, relax, don’t fight the current, ride the wave.  I promise things WILL fall into place just as they are suppose to be!   

I wish I could report that we are all moved in and settled here in the Land of Oz but, alas, I cannot…remember how I mentioned too many cooks, well they have our stuff somewhere on this beautiful blue planet of ours and we won’t see the majority of it until October at best, but we are getting there.  We are blessed to be living in a STUNNING fully furnished holiday rental in a FABULOUS part of greater Sydney, the kids are attending the BEST darn schools EVER (and LOVING it – uniforms and all), and we are the “preferred pick” for a GIGANTIC house.  Things are falling into place…the adventure began back in April, but the fun part of the adventure is just about to get started.

Be careful what you wish for Sweet Pea, because if you put it out there is will come true!  That means the good or the bad...POSITIVE thoughts!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light,

Sydney from the Harbor
~ Dimensional Healing, LLC 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Lessons Learned from The Next Great Visionary Business contest

In my mere 42 yrs. I have entered many a contests.  Some contests I’ve entered for the prize and others for the fun.  I’ve even entered a few to help show my kids it’s okay to enter and not win.  One of the best contests I entered was the lip-sync contest where I met my hubby and that changed my life completely (I was the runner up, but in the end I got the GRAND prize- Kevin)!  The contest I am in now though has pulled me, stretched me and transformed me right out of my comfort zone and tossed me into the arena.  I am not one to complain about expanding out of my comfort zone as a general rule and this isn’t a complaint as much as an observation because I didn’t think I needed to be pushed into the deep end and told to swim...I was SOOOOOOO wrong!
1)      Creating my Manifesto has transformed my burning desire to a raging fire that will only be tamed by speaking my truth and following my path. Touching people, one person at a time to create a continuous ripple effect is now a necessity of my life not a “won’t that be nice” kinda thought.
2)      Moving into Round 2 had more of a profound effect on me than I thought it would.  I needed this shot in the arm…I needed the push…I needed the purpose far greater than myself to force me to get out of my own way.  I needed to be FORCED to let go of ALL the excuses that kept me from following my heart’s desire.  I needed to unbind myself from the threads that have imprisoned me.
3)      Moving from Round 1 to Round 2 made me take a hard look at my weaknesses and what really was the cause.  So, I’m not a tech guru…yes, I have a TON to learn about marketing myself – give me a project or a cause other than myself and I’m all over it, but me, uhhh NO way.  Hence part of my challenge…hmmm – time to expand…I am worth it…I’m pretty AWESOME!!
4)      During this process I had to work through “who I wasn’t here to help” – The Manifesto helped me realize that by not focusing on who I’m not here to serve the fear of rejection and ridicule dissipated.  That’s not to say I don’t think folks are gonna say mean things or hurt my feels but the reality is they aren’t going to say something I haven’t heard before.  The one thing living all over the world has taught me is I am not everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s okay.  Not everyone is ready to vibrate at this level!!!
5)      I don’t have to be PERFECT to get out there and teach my message. I don’t have to be PERFECT to connect to my tribe.  I only have to show that I am here, I am open and I am just like each one of them on this fantastic journey of life!

By releasing the emotions I have tied up all around me with regards to moving forward and being successful about something that totally moves me I can give myself permission to EXPAND into the person I am supposed to be. 

We are all here to have the human experience and we need to be that change we want to see in this world (Ghandi).  The Next Great Visionary Business contest has given me that platform.  It has gifted me the tools, teachings and pushed me into the possibilities of being MORE.  More than just the labels I live within…more than the person people turn to for help…more than the leader I have been groomed to be…

“Perfection is in the eye of the beholder” and being perfectly imperfect helping people excel, heal and be happy in their life is far better than waiting for that perfect moment to occur.  Doors open all the time it’s just a case of walking through the one that speaks the loudest to your souls purpose.

The Full Moon is coming on the September 19th and the Fall Equinox is Sunday September 22nd… both a great times to ask yourself what moves you? Where do I want to go this month? What do I want to see change or created in my life?  Then, ask or state what you want and work towards achieving that very thing. 

If you can take a few minutes and checkout my site page for my upcoming presentation and opt in (vote) by signing up and giving me your email address I’d truly be grateful!  I have already learned and grown so by with this contest and that makes me a winner already, but being the GRAND PRIZE winner and getting that catapult forward would be incredible!  It would also let me know that what I am doing is just as important to other as it is to me.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all your support and for letting me serve you and continue to grow with you on this marvelous journey! 


Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light,



Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Summer, Growth and STRETCHING out of my Box!

Beautiful picture supplied by Dana Colins, Defined by Lines
"Schools out for the summer..." Ha!  We all remember that song...well, those of us from the 1980's.  Many of us probably walked through the halls at our high school signing those words during those last few hours before the bell rang and we were RELEASED to the world...Oh the FREEDOM we felt...
This has not been a lazy summer for me at all.  No sir-re Bob! It has been a summer of getting uncomfortable and GROWING out of my box, not that my box was very small.  
I started my summer by starting my business right before school got out and I'm been going ever since.  The first week the kids were home I was taking enrolled in this FANTASTIC Wellness Business Owners World Summit webinar that just engrossed me with so much information and threw me forward into the deep end of the pool forcing me to swim!  It's funny how good it feels...almost like I am living on a constant high on life.  I am currently in a contest; Next Great Visionary Business and it is fantastic! Take a minute and check it out...read my Manifesto, if it moves you please vote, comment and share with your friends!  Voting lasts until August 31st, 2013.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!  Once again this is forcing me to reach out beyond my circle, the JeDai Circle, out into the community and the world.  Just stating my truth and thoughts back in May wasn't enough, but it was a start!

Through this I have learned that I do bring value to others and funny enough the knowledge I think is "common place" isn't and others really want to hear what I know! 

Ha!  Who knew...

I am still  working at developing, creating and learning how to run my dream, as well as better focus.  The HARDEST part for me has been changing the tape player that keeps running through my head...yeah, you know what I'm talking about...we all have the voice in our head that keeps trying to toss us off the path we need to walk.  That's their job...suppressing your true voice, keeping you from you propose.  Yep, yep... funny thing that is reprograming your tape player.  Another odd thing that I discovered about myself is I to stop being afraid for hearing "NO"...honestly can't tell you where that came from since I have no problem saying "No" - I teach people how to say "No" in their lives and I've heard it enough in my life you would think I would be immune to the word.  When I am actually being truthful with myself it's just as much about FAILING as it is about the tape player in my head.

It's time to accept and neutralize these words...not reject but let the words, thoughts and fears flow through.  All fear is False Evidence Appearing Real...I have know clue what the outcome will be and if I don't try how will I ever have the opportunity to grow?   

So, now is the time to tell me/yourself a GOOD story... "They are looking at me like they don't like me..." instead "Check them checking me out!  I am AWESOME!!!"  That doesn't work, try this on for size " It's not perfect..." change into this " This is INCREDIBLE and if I need to change it, I can..."  Remembering that the story we create in our head is frequently not the reality.

With all of this in mind I am moving forward and going to ROCK the contest I'm in, find my voice, develop my brand and create my tribe so that I can help people on a much bigger scale...I'm thinking global.  As I maneuver through this venture I keep each of you, my readers/followers, in mind because what I am becoming isn't just about me it's very much about YOU!

YOU do count!  YOU do have value and YOU have something to offer, my friend!  Share your love, share your gifts, share your talents because the world needs each of us! 

Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light,


Like Me on Facebook  https://www.facebook.com/DimensionalHealingLlc  

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Developing, Creating and Launching Dimensional Healing, LLC

Hello Lovelies!

I have been living a whirlwind the past few weeks!  Not sure what exactly is happening but I am very grateful for all the creative and productive energy that keeps flowing my way!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

On June 11, 2013 I finally took the leap of faith I needed and registered my biz as ~
Dimensional Healing, LLC  

"What else is possible?"

I even pulled the trigger and applied for my EIN... "How can it get better than this?"

TODAY I launched my facebook page!

"What grand and glorious adventures will I have today?"

Reaching the magic number of 30 in less than 2 hours!! And I am fast approaching 50...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

So, just prior to all this coming together I started a wonderful webinar with "Sevenfold Path to Success" class and it has opened up so much.  You don't really realize that you are in your own way until you start to journey into yourself.  Andra is FABULOUS!  Her partner in this adventure Tamara is fab as well.  Highly recommend following these lovely ladies because they are gonna create magic!


As if all that wasn't enough I won a FANTASTIC scholarship to the first Wellness Business Owners World Summit!  It started on June 14th and I have learned SO MUCH!  I am not sure if you can still get into the summit or not but it is worth finding out and at least getting on the email list if you are a small wellness business.


What has really helped energize me is just realizing that until I do it I wasn't going to know what was possible.  Yes, I am afraid of failing, having people hurt my feelings and/or just messing up, but I am trying, because until I do I am not trying!  I am blessed enough to following the example and advice of others who have accomplished great things before me, and I am working at my pace.  Yes, there will be days and weeks like this one where the information is coming in so fast I need to slow down to process.  Then there are gonna be other times where things will have to place to the back burner to simmer, while life with a wonderfully supportive hubby and three active and smart children needs my attention.  Hopefully I'll have enough in place that my business will move as smoothly as symphonic performance.

While being a Navy wife, and Mom is very important par of who I am the reality of the kids growing and my roll changing is becoming apparent.  It is time to find the balance in the transition so I don't loose who I am in the process.

Much Love and Light!


P.S. Be on the look out for my website and the completion of an upcoming project!  Here's a hint...a few of you have requested something like this from me!!!

My facebook link! Drop by and Like me if you so choose!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spring Virginia Beach Gem & Mineral Show Treasure Trove!

Gena bought the this clam shell from the Mineral Association ~ it is considered a fossil! Banded Amethyst, Mookite Heart, Red Jasper, my new 'Grape Jelly' Amethyst Cluster and Seraphinite. 

It's no secret I LOVE crystals!  I have collected stones and crystals since I was a little girl.  It hasn't been until recently that I have a better understanding WHY I am drawn to Mother Earths sparkling treasures.  I'm not gonna get involved with that today but I am going to show you some of the STUNNING crystals I found.

Star Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a wonderful stone for self love!  I've been in search of a heart shaped Rose Quartz for a while.  This baby is full of sparkles and rainbows!  It's called a Star Rose Quartz because of it's sparkles.  Rainbows make me happy in the sky and in crystals!
Below is a baby that I've been looking for but had no clue I'd find at our local Gem & Mineral Show.  I've only been going to them for a year and had never seen the specimens that were present at this show.  I felt as though I was attending a mini Tucson, AZ show! 
Corinto Smoky Lemurian Quartz from Minas Gerais, Brazil!  It's a RECORD KEEPER and full of rainbows!!  Sadly, I haven't gotten a perfect picture of the record keepers yet but I will keep working on it.  The family I bought most of my treasures from are four generation strong rock hounds and own the mine that my babies came from...yes, I do mean more than one!

As promised, here is another baby!  May I introduced my Red Lemurian!  Yes, the pix are not completely focused but I feel it actually shows the markings a little better.  Again, I'll keep working on better pictures.  The coolest part about this crystal is it was mined on 12/12/12!  Woohoo!  Lemurian crystals sing to me and the two I got last week are no different.

Okay, so I thought I knew a lot about quartz but after this past show I realized I know so little...LOVE IT!   Have you ever heard of Lighting Struck Quartz?  Me neither...the energy that this bad boy emits is indescribable.  I am blown away by the energy...

Feel the ENERGY baby!

Look at that colors!!!
This little number was a real surprise. Gena, my daughter, and I spotted Agate slabs that I'd been looking for to use as coasters when this Ametrine with Cacoxenite jumped out and screamed "bring me home!" I've actually been sleeping with it in my pillowcase since bringing it home. It's a lovely energy that has had some useful benefit.

My water charging coaster!!!

I bought the Agate slabs for the soul purpose of charging water.  I can't wait to give it a try.  The first picture is a 4 inch slab about 1inch deep...really surprising price. 

This was a wonderful gem show for me!  I love being surrounded by the energy in the hall.  There are a couple of local shows left this year but I am going north for a larger one in August!  I added to my collection but I need to also find homes for some of my rocks and crystals...time to get back on ebay!  Check out local listings for Gem, Jewelry & Minerals shows in your area who knows what you'll find!

Ciao Bellas!

Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light,
