Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Moving, Moving, Moving...

Curl Curl Coast, Australia
~ Dimensional Healing, LLC
Wow! Moving across the world and turning south has been a list of lessons. Before I begin let me start by saying I HIGHLY recommend it, but it’s not moving down the street and not for the faint at heart.  You will be pushed, shoved, stretched and polished up for your new location whether or not you want to be or think it’s happening.  Still I wouldn’t change the experience – I LOVE living here in Australia, even though I’ve only been here for a month.  Yes, some refer to this as the ‘Honeymoon period’ but this is not my first overseas experience and I have not felt so much at home in another country since I lived in Scotland as a wee lass.  I’m not down playing my time in Japan or Italy in the least…loved living in those locations as well, but it was different. 

People move for different reason, some for adventure, a new job, the love of your life,  or even just to start fresh.  Our move was a military move. Let me answer the question before you ask - No, there is not a US Navy base here in Sydney, or Australia, we are on an exchange program, which adds another layer of fun altogether because we fall under State Department rules and that is interesting.

The biggest lessons I’ve learned in the past 5 months:

1)      PATIENCE – No surprise there…Moving is stressful no matter how organized you are, hope prepared you get or how much control you believe you have with the situation.  The Universe has a fantastic sense of humor and loves tossing monkey wrenches into the mix.


2)      'Too many cooks can spoil the soup'…aka You have minimal control – Unless you are the ONLY person moving and you are doing it in a bubble, other people add there spices into the pot.  Now, most people don’t have the government pulling strings about their move…try adding two governments and three time zones that cross the international dateline – yep, that is hoot…not so much, but you do learn to laugh a lot or you spend days crying, and laughter has far more power than tears.


3)      Venus and Mars phenomenon amplifies - Yep, that is right the old age battle of the sexes can feel like it is on steroids.  He says one thing, I hear another thing and basically it’s the same thing, just different words, tones, concerns or questions that turns the entire thing into a tug of war… mainly one ‘control the world’ Operations/Commanding Officer kinda attitude and I’m sure what he sees as a fleetly, flighty, sparkly, day dreaming Pollyanna who can’t make up her mind.  Yet, that really isn’t it, because it’s not the words that are being spoken that is the problem but more the entire vibe of the move that tosses the BEST relationship flow into the loo for a wash and dry spin…I guess it’s not very dry is it after being in the loo.  To clarify the toilets in Australia do not flush counter to those in the northern hemisphere….it’s more like a high pressure waterfall action.


4)      “The military moves you for FREE…it costs you nothing!” – HA!  I have heard this for DECADES…yes, I am that young! No, my beautiful friends we all pay one way or another.  On average I’d say a state to state move has cost us about $5000 - $8000.  Overseas moves are a totally different financial experience and since the last overseas move I did was 15 years ago, until last month, I can't put a price tag on it quiet yet.  Most people don’t wake up on Monday and say “Hey, I am going to move 10,000 miles away in 10 weeks!” No, most people are smart enough to plan over the course of time and some even have a plan that makes their move a little smoother.  In the military we even have workshops that you can attend that teach you a step by step plan and guide…most of them give a 6-9 month window of planning…I'll keep dreaming of those were the days.  Again, good humor gets you through this space because as you are fronting all the monies needed, waiting to be reimbursed you can drive yourself NUTS counting pennies.  It’s even funnier when you are in a foreign country because the money becomes more like ‘Monopoly’ money when you first arrive, the major difference is you don't pass GO and you DON'T COLLECT $200. 


5)      It’s not all about ME! (foot stomp!) – Now, the “ME” in that line covers each person individually because it is not all about just one person yet everyone wants or needs that sense of security.

      I see many of reading this saying to yourself “but Krista you said to move…to have this experience, yet all you do is bitch and complain.”  You can look at it that way or view my complaining as sharing a few key lessons from my grand adventure.  There are many more lessons within each lesson and I could spend DAYS, if not WEEKS sharing them, but we really don’t want that now do we.  What I have done to get through the tough moments is to create a positive mantra: “…but we are MOVING TO AUSTRALIA!” now that we are here “…we are living in AUSTRALIA, baby!” if it does nothing but lighten the frustration at the moment then it is worth its weight in gold.  I’ll be writing about putting out the right thoughts and vibe for what it is you want most so we all can live our dreams…

Bottom line, moving SUCKS weather you are moving down the road, across the state or to another part of the world you always feel like you are juggling 27 THOUSAND balls at once, with minimal control, a funnel out your bank account and words that just can’t seem to be heard, so lighten up and cut yourself some slack and your family.  Learn to take ‘Time Outs’ when you need them and for goodness sakes BREATHE!  As long as there is no blood gushing from gapping wounds and everyone is in good health, relax, don’t fight the current, ride the wave.  I promise things WILL fall into place just as they are suppose to be!   

I wish I could report that we are all moved in and settled here in the Land of Oz but, alas, I cannot…remember how I mentioned too many cooks, well they have our stuff somewhere on this beautiful blue planet of ours and we won’t see the majority of it until October at best, but we are getting there.  We are blessed to be living in a STUNNING fully furnished holiday rental in a FABULOUS part of greater Sydney, the kids are attending the BEST darn schools EVER (and LOVING it – uniforms and all), and we are the “preferred pick” for a GIGANTIC house.  Things are falling into place…the adventure began back in April, but the fun part of the adventure is just about to get started.

Be careful what you wish for Sweet Pea, because if you put it out there is will come true!  That means the good or the bad...POSITIVE thoughts!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light,

Sydney from the Harbor
~ Dimensional Healing, LLC 


  1. Sounds like the perfect move! The payoff is now you LIVE in Australia!!! How much better can it get?!
    Enjoying the story...keep it coming, please!

    1. You are a moving pro! Thank you for all your tips and lessons over the years!! :) XO
