Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 7 of the Crystal Challenge- Last Day


Wow! It is hard to believe that seven days have gone by sooo quickly. Where has the time gone? This has been an eye opening experience for me just because it has encouraged me to rethink how I use my crystals and stones. I have found sites and people that I never would have without this challenge and met folks that I wouldn't have normally met in my everyday life. It has taught me how to work my blog a little better than what I did, although that is still a work in progress since I still haven't figured out how to put links to other sites on here - it's a process. I have opened my mind yet again to the possibilities, some that I haven't thought about until this journey. It has been a growing experience I want to continue.

With that being said my last stone I picked because I needed the protection it provided. I woke up knowing that I'd need my personal piece of Labradorite in my pocket for the day. I have had minimal sleep for the past four nights due to sick kids so my energy was low...I was hitting my wall. Labradorite is a wonderful stone for deflecting unwanted energies and preventing energy leakage from the aura and that is why I have a personal piece and a separate piece for the house. It also carries a calming quality, another spot I needed help with since I had two of my three kid’s home sick AGAIN.

Side Note - All three children have strep...so, hopefully by Thursday all will be well and I can send everyone to school once again giving me just enough time to prep for the arrival of family for Thanksgiving.
When I bought my pieces of Labradorite I bought them as protection stones but since I've used them I have realized that they have many more qualities. Today I actually read more about the stone in a couple of my books bringing me to a greater realization that each of the stones that I've selected or that has selected me during the past seven days are what I need in my life at this moment. They have unlocked doors that had answers hidden inside waiting for me to find. I plan to work with these stones a little more over the next few days to see what happens when I put them all together. It's a New Moon, a great time for inner reflection perhaps I'll get more answers to the questions I have asked.

I'm being drawn to place the stones on the I AM Love Mandala, so I think I'm going to do it before I go to bed and see what happens. I report back and with any luck I'll be able to upload a beautiful picture of my grid.  So, keep following so you can see what I do next!  I haven't decided but we shall see!  Thanks for your support and hopefully we all learned a little more about ourselves in the past seven days!

Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day 6 of the Crystal Challenge...1 more day left!


TAKE II...Gonna try this AGAIN!  Told there was no sound in my original video. 
Sorry folks was trying to be with nature a bit...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 5 of the Crystal Challenge!

Happy Veterans Day!  Love, hugs and blessings to all the veterans in my life!  Thank you for your service!

Hope you enjoy! 

Sleep well!

Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

OMGolly Day 4 Crystal Challenge!

Hello all my friends!

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to Mom & The Marine Corps!!!! Happy Birthday to you!
This has been a MIND blowing day! Let me quickly mention quickly that everyone is feeling better today...thank you for all the positive thoughts, love and energy. Picking my stone today wasn't as easy as in the previous three days. I actually found myself toying with to stones as I laid in bed watching the sunlight brighten my bedroom. My cat, Guinness (yes, he's named after a larger), helped me when he DEMANDED that I pay attention to him, forcing me to put the Leopard Jasper down. He can be very demanding, however insightful as well since it left me with Howlite! Another stone that I haven't worked with but has brought much to light for me.
Not sure about the rest of the 'Crystal Hotties' but this experience has lead me to the BEST people! I feel like my the vision I have been seeing is getting so much brighter, not that it was ever dark. I guess a better descriptions is the color and picture has gone from pixelated to HD to HD 3D!
If you haven't gone to http://www.inneralignmentmandalas.com/index.html and downloaded the 'I AM Love' Mandala my I suggest you do so this second! Do Not pass GO, Do Not Collect $200...it is BEAUTIFUL! I want to carry it in pocket everywhere I go because the energy is perfect! Jill & Michelle are brilliant! Thank you ladies, your gift is priceless! Which leads me to another moment...Jill suggested I went to the Global Vision Quest Mandala sitehttp://www.soulartstudio.com/wordpress/2012/10/global-vision-quest-mandala/
and I did that very moment, only to be blown away even further.  STUNNING!!!
Side note - I have so much going on in my head right now that my fingers and brain can't move together...Ahhhh!
Okay back to the blog...
I realize those who haven't dealt with stone and crystals before may not understand as well what I'm saying but the pattern and connection of events that have occurred in the past 4 days since starting this challenge has been mind blowing. The pieces are starting to come together for me and my journey is on the right track. I am seeing the threads weave the cloth together with each connection I make. Thank you to each of you for being part of the connection, my connection. Thank you for taking the time to create the best possible you and not waiting to live life but grasp it and thrive! Life is not an observation sport it is meant to be lived and lived to its fullest.

My pattern is opening me up to possibilities and great inspiration. You don't have to have crystals or oracle cards to do something like this all you need to do is challenge yourself to find something new each day - see how that resonates with you. You could smile at 7 strangers each day for 7 days and embrace the wonderful feeling of grace when you climb into bed. How about putting positive messages on sticky notes and placing them on mirrors for 7 days...the list is endless. Hibiscus was correct when she said it's just about doing something, committing to it and being open to the messages you receive.
Day 1: Aventurine   =  Heart Chakra
Day 2:  Yellow Jasper =  Solar Plexus Chakra
Day 3: Mookiate = Sacral & Root Chakra
Day 4: Howlite =  Third Eye ( I have spent my day listening!!!)
Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light!


Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 3 - Crystal Challenge

I love sunrise! Currently I'm sitting and enjoying a warm cup of coffee, the peace of the house and watching the sunlight the sky. Such a peaceful feeling...

Reality needs to set in and I have to go wake the kids up for school and dentist appointments but before that happens I wanted to jot down some thoughts about my stone of choice today.

Mookaite - it's Australian Jasper and happens to be another stone I haven't worked with...I see a pattern here! I think I am also seeing a pattern with the chakras - all the lower chakras. Hmmm...perhaps I need to ground. I can believe that since I've been feeling a little scattered - too much chafe (the small particles used to redirect missiles). The environment has been so overloaded with SO much energy between the elections, Sandy and the Nor’easter it isn't always easy for me to ground. Not to forget I've been surrounded by sick kids, husband, and niece...hmmm...

A little later in the day:

Well my day was everything but what I expected - I spent most of it at the clinic waiting for the boys to be seen. One has strep and the other doesn't but definitely has a small virus. Ugh! On the up side I got to start reading the most fantastic book. It made me vibrate all over..."Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber, M.D." It's the first book in a long time, in this genera, that has had such a profound effect so quickly. It works with me...AND it brings me back to the Mookaite and Yellow Jasper.

* Yellow Jasper - protects during spiritual work...
* Mookaite - provides balance between inner and out experiences...it also helps the immune system, I need ALL the help I can get!
* The book is permitting both sides of my brain to work in harmony...scary I know!

In some ways I feel like I should be getting more out of this exercise but really it's about so much more than me. Ego keeps trying to control the situation...I need to just "Be" like philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said, I think it was in the book ‘Beyond Good and Evil’ it’s been a while since I read his work. When I stop working so hard at finding information it comes into focus – just ‘Be’.

I'm interested to see what stone or crystal tomorrow brings. This is a sparkly journey and a path I need to continue to travel.

Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light!


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 2 of Crystal Challenge

Here is my first shot of a video blog, so please be kind ;)

Day 1 - Aventurine = Heart Chakra

Day 2 - Yellow Jasper = Solar Plexus

What will day 3 bring? Tune in tomorrow and find out!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 1 of my 7 day challenge!

Ha! I guess I need to get better at this - once a month just ain't cuttin' it baby! Okay, it's been a crazy month with lots going on in the family, so my projects had to get put on hold, nevertheless, I shall work harder!

I am in the process of completing a 7 day challenge that Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy put out there...it is exactly what I needed. Starting today I am going let a crystal pick me and work with it through meditation, caring it in my pocket, holding it overall connecting with the stone. Each day I’m going to blog about my experience and thoughts...if you have crystals or stones may I suggest you do the same?

This has come a prefect time since tomorrow I start my Advanced Reiki and Master class, hopefully ending at the end of the month with my Teacher certification (I need a couple of students...interested? Let me know! It's gonna be wicked cheap!) I have also found this fab gal in Australia, Tara Bliss, which has put together a '5 Steps to Killer Confidence' eBook that I'm going to start as well. Boy, I am either going to be a hot mess or totally centered and balanced by the end of this process. BRING IT ON! I also forgot that starting Tuesday next week the JeDai Circle will be doing 'A Simple Truth, Find Your Destiny' book study...oh boy...ah, I've already done it once so now it's time to peal another layer of the onion. :) Lots going on.

Today, Aventurine chose me! Funny enough it's a stone I have NEVER worked with until this morning. As soon as I placed it in my left hand I got this warm melt away sensation running up my arms and directly to my heart chakra. I closed my eyes for a bit and meditated focusing only on what I felt or saw in my mind’s eye. Warmth ran from my chest up to my neck and then sharp pin pricks at me third eye. Interesting...suddenly I saw green...hmmm...this went on for a few minutes. When I opened my eyes to stare at the stone again I felt the warm melt away feeling running up my arms. I'm going to keep this new stone close to me and see what happens as the day goes on. I'm also going to pull out my handy dandy ‘Crystal Bible’ by Judy Hall to see what she has to say about my new found friend.

You can reach Tara Bliss at www.suchdifferentskies.com - check out her Crystal Bowl blog, awesome idea! Download her FREE '5 Steps to KILLER Confidence' while you're there!

Check out the challenge I'm doing and Hibiscus is also running a fabulous give away that ends this week! Ooo, if you haven't downloaded the FREE 'Creating Sacred Space Crystal eKit', it's a MUST have! The mediation alone is AWESOME! The book is STUNNING and very inspiring!


My piece of Aventurine!