Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 3 - Crystal Challenge

I love sunrise! Currently I'm sitting and enjoying a warm cup of coffee, the peace of the house and watching the sunlight the sky. Such a peaceful feeling...

Reality needs to set in and I have to go wake the kids up for school and dentist appointments but before that happens I wanted to jot down some thoughts about my stone of choice today.

Mookaite - it's Australian Jasper and happens to be another stone I haven't worked with...I see a pattern here! I think I am also seeing a pattern with the chakras - all the lower chakras. Hmmm...perhaps I need to ground. I can believe that since I've been feeling a little scattered - too much chafe (the small particles used to redirect missiles). The environment has been so overloaded with SO much energy between the elections, Sandy and the Nor’easter it isn't always easy for me to ground. Not to forget I've been surrounded by sick kids, husband, and niece...hmmm...

A little later in the day:

Well my day was everything but what I expected - I spent most of it at the clinic waiting for the boys to be seen. One has strep and the other doesn't but definitely has a small virus. Ugh! On the up side I got to start reading the most fantastic book. It made me vibrate all over..."Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber, M.D." It's the first book in a long time, in this genera, that has had such a profound effect so quickly. It works with me...AND it brings me back to the Mookaite and Yellow Jasper.

* Yellow Jasper - protects during spiritual work...
* Mookaite - provides balance between inner and out also helps the immune system, I need ALL the help I can get!
* The book is permitting both sides of my brain to work in harmony...scary I know!

In some ways I feel like I should be getting more out of this exercise but really it's about so much more than me. Ego keeps trying to control the situation...I need to just "Be" like philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said, I think it was in the book ‘Beyond Good and Evil’ it’s been a while since I read his work. When I stop working so hard at finding information it comes into focus – just ‘Be’.

I'm interested to see what stone or crystal tomorrow brings. This is a sparkly journey and a path I need to continue to travel.

Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light!



  1. I haven't used Mookaite before. Thanks for opening my eyes to it and the benefits that it can help stimulate in my life. Also, can I just give you props for being a rock star and dealing with all those sick kids and going to appointments left and right? Way to be awesome!

    1. Thank you! I've not used it for me but I have put it in my kids pockets to help them center. Thanks for the props too...all in the day of a Mom, right! ;) Tomorrow is a new day!
