Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 7 of the Crystal Challenge- Last Day


Wow! It is hard to believe that seven days have gone by sooo quickly. Where has the time gone? This has been an eye opening experience for me just because it has encouraged me to rethink how I use my crystals and stones. I have found sites and people that I never would have without this challenge and met folks that I wouldn't have normally met in my everyday life. It has taught me how to work my blog a little better than what I did, although that is still a work in progress since I still haven't figured out how to put links to other sites on here - it's a process. I have opened my mind yet again to the possibilities, some that I haven't thought about until this journey. It has been a growing experience I want to continue.

With that being said my last stone I picked because I needed the protection it provided. I woke up knowing that I'd need my personal piece of Labradorite in my pocket for the day. I have had minimal sleep for the past four nights due to sick kids so my energy was low...I was hitting my wall. Labradorite is a wonderful stone for deflecting unwanted energies and preventing energy leakage from the aura and that is why I have a personal piece and a separate piece for the house. It also carries a calming quality, another spot I needed help with since I had two of my three kid’s home sick AGAIN.

Side Note - All three children have strep...so, hopefully by Thursday all will be well and I can send everyone to school once again giving me just enough time to prep for the arrival of family for Thanksgiving.
When I bought my pieces of Labradorite I bought them as protection stones but since I've used them I have realized that they have many more qualities. Today I actually read more about the stone in a couple of my books bringing me to a greater realization that each of the stones that I've selected or that has selected me during the past seven days are what I need in my life at this moment. They have unlocked doors that had answers hidden inside waiting for me to find. I plan to work with these stones a little more over the next few days to see what happens when I put them all together. It's a New Moon, a great time for inner reflection perhaps I'll get more answers to the questions I have asked.

I'm being drawn to place the stones on the I AM Love Mandala, so I think I'm going to do it before I go to bed and see what happens. I report back and with any luck I'll be able to upload a beautiful picture of my grid.  So, keep following so you can see what I do next!  I haven't decided but we shall see!  Thanks for your support and hopefully we all learned a little more about ourselves in the past seven days!

Hugs, Love, Laughter & Light!


  1. Hi Krista
    I love Labradorite and a couple of weeks ago I kept hearing it everywhere. Everyone was purchasing it, talking about it, showing pics of their pieces and yes you're right about how it draws you to it, as do all our crystals at one time or another. I hope that your kids are back to good health soon and I'm sending healing energies by the bucket load for their full recovery.

    It's been an awesome journey this week and I thank you for taking up Hibiscus Moon's challenge so giving me and others another beautiful, passionate soul to walk this sparkly path with!

    Love n blessings
    Sue x

    1. Thank you Sue! All healing energies are welcome! Hope you keep following! It will keep me inspired knowing others are interested in following this expanding sparkly path!

  2. I second what Sue said :) And lots of healing energy to your kids and you as the caregiver! So glad you have been keeping yourself filled up so you have plenty of love and strength to share with your family...and all while doing the 7 day challenge and sharing with all of us. Pretty impressive! :)
