Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 1 of my 7 day challenge!

Ha! I guess I need to get better at this - once a month just ain't cuttin' it baby! Okay, it's been a crazy month with lots going on in the family, so my projects had to get put on hold, nevertheless, I shall work harder!

I am in the process of completing a 7 day challenge that Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy put out is exactly what I needed. Starting today I am going let a crystal pick me and work with it through meditation, caring it in my pocket, holding it overall connecting with the stone. Each day I’m going to blog about my experience and thoughts...if you have crystals or stones may I suggest you do the same?

This has come a prefect time since tomorrow I start my Advanced Reiki and Master class, hopefully ending at the end of the month with my Teacher certification (I need a couple of students...interested? Let me know! It's gonna be wicked cheap!) I have also found this fab gal in Australia, Tara Bliss, which has put together a '5 Steps to Killer Confidence' eBook that I'm going to start as well. Boy, I am either going to be a hot mess or totally centered and balanced by the end of this process. BRING IT ON! I also forgot that starting Tuesday next week the JeDai Circle will be doing 'A Simple Truth, Find Your Destiny' book study...oh boy...ah, I've already done it once so now it's time to peal another layer of the onion. :) Lots going on.

Today, Aventurine chose me! Funny enough it's a stone I have NEVER worked with until this morning. As soon as I placed it in my left hand I got this warm melt away sensation running up my arms and directly to my heart chakra. I closed my eyes for a bit and meditated focusing only on what I felt or saw in my mind’s eye. Warmth ran from my chest up to my neck and then sharp pin pricks at me third eye. Interesting...suddenly I saw green...hmmm...this went on for a few minutes. When I opened my eyes to stare at the stone again I felt the warm melt away feeling running up my arms. I'm going to keep this new stone close to me and see what happens as the day goes on. I'm also going to pull out my handy dandy ‘Crystal Bible’ by Judy Hall to see what she has to say about my new found friend.

You can reach Tara Bliss at - check out her Crystal Bowl blog, awesome idea! Download her FREE '5 Steps to KILLER Confidence' while you're there!

Check out the challenge I'm doing and Hibiscus is also running a fabulous give away that ends this week! Ooo, if you haven't downloaded the FREE 'Creating Sacred Space Crystal eKit', it's a MUST have! The mediation alone is AWESOME! The book is STUNNING and very inspiring! 

My piece of Aventurine!

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